Easy to Navigate LayoutIn the updated site, you can access the sessions in webpage format, making the content easier to navigate, and resources easier to access. Printable pages, song lyrics, and story symbols are all attached directly to the step in which they are used, making it easy for you to access and print materials.
New and Updated ContentThis updated format allows us to constantly refresh and update the DWELL materials. On DWELL Digital, you’ll always see the most up to date version of each session. “New” and “Updated” tags will let you know what activities have been added or adjusted from what appears in the hard-copy leader guide.
Can I still use DWELL Digital the way I did before?If you liked the way DWELL Digital worked before you will still be able to access the same pdf version of each session. Just click on “Hard-Copy Version” in the sidebar to view the pdf. Or you can also print the current version of the session as it appears on the page.
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DWELL is published by Faith Alive Christian Resources, the publishing imprint of the Christian Reformed Church in North America and the Reformed Church in America. View our privacy policy.
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